Dieta Restritiva, Perda Auditiva, Prevenção.Resumo
Objetivo: O estudo teve como objetivo relatar os achados da literatura quanto aos possíveis efeitos da restrição calórica associada à perda auditiva. Pergunta Problema: Quais são os possíveis impactos da restrição calórica na perda auditiva? Metodologia: Foram selecionados artigos, publicados até agosto de 2020 em determinadas bases de dados, que apresentavam o impacto da restrição calórica na perda auditiva, a partir dos seguintes descritores: (Caloric Restriction) and (Hearing Loss). Resultados: Foram identificados 74 estudos, destes, 5 artigos foram selecionados para extração e discussão de dados.
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BIANCHI, Vittorio Emanuele. Caloric restriction in heart failure: A systematic review. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 2020.
CHOI, Jeong Yi. Age-associated repression of type 1 inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor impairs muscle regeneration. Aging (Albany NY), v. 8, n. 9, p. 2062, 2016.
FOWLER, Cynthia G. Auditory function in rhesus monkeys: Effects of aging and caloric restriction in the Wisconsin monkeys five years later. Wisconsin cinco anos depois. Pesquisa auditiva , v. 261, n. 1-2, pág. 75-81, 2010.
FRISINA, Robert D. et al. Age-related hearing loss: prevention of threshold declines, cell loss and apoptosis in spiral ganglion neurons. Aging (Albany NY), v. 8, n. 9, p. 2081, 2016.
GENARO, Patrícia de Souza; SARKIS, Karin Sedó; MARTINI, Ligia Araújo. O efeito da restrição calórica na longevidade. Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, v. 53, n. 5, p. 667-672, 2009.
HAN, Chul; SOMEYA, Shinichi. Maintaining good hearing: calorie restriction, Sirt3, and glutathione. Experimental gerontology, v. 48, n. 10, p. 1091-1095, 2013.
HORNSBY, Amanda KE et al. Short-term calorie restriction enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis and remote fear memory in a Ghsr-dependent manner. Psychoneuroendocrinology, v. 63, p. 198-207, 2016.
MAHARAJAN, Nagarajan et al. Caloric restriction maintains stem cells through niche and regulates stem cell aging. Journal of Molecular Medicine, v. 98, n. 1, p. 25-37, 2020.
MANNSTRÖM, Paula et al. Dietary restriction reduces age-related degeneration of stria vascularis in the inner ear of the rat. Experimental Gerontology, v. 48, n. 11, p. 1173-1179, 2013.
SEIDMAN, Michael D. Effects of dietary restriction and antioxidants on presbycusis. The Laryngoscope, v. 110, n. 5, p. 727-738, 2000.
SOMEYA, Shinichi et al. Effects of caloric restriction on age-related hearing loss in rodents and rhesus monkeys. Current aging science, v. 3, n. 1, p. 20-25, 2010.
SOMEYA, Shinichi et al. Caloric restriction suppresses apoptotic cell death in the mammalian cochlea and leads to prevention of presbycusis. Neurobiology of aging, v. 28, n. 10, p. 1613-1622, 2007.
SOMEYA, Shinichi et al. Sirt3 mediates reduction of oxidative damage and prevention of age-related hearing loss under caloric restriction. Cell, v. 143, n. 5, p. 802-812, 2010.
TORRE III, Peter et al. Assessment of auditory function in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): effects of age and calorie restriction. Neurobiology of aging, v. 25, n. 7, p. 945-954, 2004.
WILLOTT, James F. Genetics of age-related hearing loss in mice. II. Strain differences and effects of caloric restriction on cochlear pathology and evoked response thresholds. Hearing research, v. 88, n. 1-2, p. 143-155, 1995.
XIONG, Hao et al. Modulation of miR-34a/SIRT1 signaling protects cochlear hair cells against oxidative stress and delays age-related hearing loss through coordinated regulation of mitophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis. Neurobiology of Aging, v. 79, p. 30-42, 2019.
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